The Diary of a Superfluous Man

ebook: The Diary of a Superfluous Man

Sprache - Englisch

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About the eBook

Ivan Turgenev's 'The Diary of a Superfluous Man' is a compelling novella that exposes the internal struggles and disillusionment of the protagonist, a young man who feels out of place in a society that he deems superficial and meaningless. Turgenev's writing style, characterized by its introspective and psychological depth, captures the protagonist's journey of self-discovery and his existential crisis, making it a quintessential work of Russian Realism. The novella's exploration of the themes of alienation, societal expectations, and the search for identity resonates with readers across generations, making it a timeless piece of literature. Turgenev's skillful use of symbolism and rich character development elevates the novella to a work of profound introspection and social critique. Ivan Turgenev, a prominent Russian writer of the 19th century, drew inspiration for 'The Diary of a Superfluous Man' from his observations of Russian society and his own experiences as a member of the Russian gentry. His social commentary and keen insights into the human psyche reflect his position as a leading figure in the Russian literary scene of his time. I highly recommend 'The Diary of a Superfluous Man' to readers who appreciate deep philosophical introspection and societal critique. Turgenev's masterful storytelling and profound exploration of human nature make this novella a must-read for those interested in Russian literature and existential themes.

Product Details

Publisher: Good Press

Genre: Sprache - Englisch

Language: English

Size: 51 Pages

Filesize: 672.3 KB

ISBN: 4064066467609
