Caring for the Older Horse

ebook: Caring for the Older Horse

Sprache - Englisch

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About the eBook

This saying applies equally to horses. Intended for the horse owner who wishes to keep his horse fit and healthy for as long as possible, this book offers an abundance of invaluable advice and recommendations - including a feeding programme, massages for the well-being of the horse, as well as age-related exercises on the ground and under the saddle. From the contents: Signs of ageing: at what stage in its life does the horse become old? Feeding older horses: the higher standard of feeding required by the senior horse. Caring for older horses: how old horses like to be kept. Massages: a wellness programme for the oldie. Exercise: fun gymnastics for senior horses. And a subject which no owner likes to think about but which needs to be included: preparation for the last farewell.

About the Author

Claudia Jung works as an animal physiotherapist in Berlin. Through her work she is continuously aware of how much the well-being and the mobility of older horses can be improved.

Product Details

Publisher: Cadmos Publishing

Genre: Sprache - Englisch

Language: English

Size: 128 Pages

Filesize: 6.2 MB

ISBN: 9780857886880
