The food of the gods and how he came to the earth

eBook: The food of the gods and how he came to the earth

Sprache - Sonstige

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Über das eBook

What happens when science interferes with nature? This exciting story reveals a frightening answer to this question. Two worlds - who are seeking to create a new growth factor to improve food in favor of humanity - realize that the spread of the material from which food is made is irreplaceable. He chicken, mice and huge insects accelerate the streets, and all that it encounters between the dead and the injured. Children who have been feed in this substance find themselves unable to adapt to a society full of ignorance and hypocrisy. These "giants", who have exceptional mental abilities, find themselves prisoners at the mercy of society, which increases intolerance and hatred. Consequently, the novel turns into a sad story about political and general superficial corruption and the loss of human efficiency in dealing with anything outside the scope of the traditional routine and their vision of the world. This is a story that is closely related to our current reality, which combines entertainment and social dimensions that address the ethics listed in genetic engineering. Besides these philosophical elements, there is a topic that is closely related to the current world, which is genetic adjustments. Accordingly, there is a good reason to put this novel among the most wonderful science fiction works. It is really a very interesting novel and worth reading.

Produkt Details

Verlag: Al-Mashreq eBookstore

Genre: Sprache - Sonstige

Sprache: ara

Umfang: 380 Seiten

Größe: 771,0 KB

ISBN: 9780463978597
