Alice's Adventures in the Wild

ebook: Alice's Adventures in the Wild

Sprache - Sonstige

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About the eBook

"Alice's Adventures in the Wild" is a wonderful retelling in Ukrainian of the world-famous Lewis Carroll's fairy tale about the magical journey of an English girl to an unusual country in which paradoxical laws and absurd rules of behavior operate.
The book is adapted for children, but it will also appeal to adults who love interesting adventures, appreciate Lewis Carroll's parodic poems and the fun of his extraordinary linguistic game.
The translation of the book was carried out by a talented Ukrainian writer, a profound expert in the English language, Valentin Oleksiyovych Kornienko.

About the Author

Лью́їс Ке́ррол — англійський письменник, математик, філософ, логік, англіканський клірик і фотограф.

Product Details

Publisher: Strelbytskyy Multimedia Publishing

Genre: Sprache - Sonstige

Language: ukr

Size: 127 Pages

Filesize: 370.3 KB

ISBN: 9780880048125
