The Sound of Hearts in Blue

ebook: The Sound of Hearts in Blue

Sprache - Englisch

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About the eBook

The Sound of Hearts in Blue are Songs of Love and Peace meditated on in Blue and its endless myriads of variations. Words and thoughts of Love and Peace from Rumi to Muhammad Ali, from Ghandi and Thich Nhat Hanh to Gaston Bachlard and from Thomas Merton to Lauryn Hill spanning many more arcs into the love and peace and harmony of blue.

May the Sound of Hearts in Blue be a small contribution towards Peace in the world, however small it may be.

Blue is never ending, deepest color of all colors next to black. The eye and heart can drown in these paintings and contemplations without obstruction, moving in the infinite and still being completely here. Blue is also red because it comes from the sky, it is the color of the heart and soul of embodied love on earth.

The book includes Aquarelles and an Ouverture by the Artist and is in English.

About the Author

Gabrielle von Bernstorff-Nahat is a poet, artist and architect currently living in Stein am Rhein, Switzerland.

Previous Publications of hers include the 6 Volume Series Nature Works: The Rock, Water, Air and Trees, For the Love of Dolphins and My Wandering Sun, Moon and Stars,- as well as Alicia Mediterranica, Color Writing, You my Love and Mother Dada's Blütenzorn and Blütenmher and Flowerpower.

Gabrielle von Bernstorff-Nahat is a romantic.

You may visit her Homepage: for more

Product Details

Publisher: Books on Demand

Genre: Sprache - Englisch

Language: English

Size: 84 Pages

Filesize: 1.8 MB

ISBN: 9783749476725
